Senin, Juni 06, 2011

NYC, Kota Seratus Masjid (2)

Islamic Center NYC, Manhattan

Menemukan sesama muslim di jalanan New York ternyata tak sulit. Rangkaian perjumpaan tak sengaja itu sudah dimulai sejak mendarat di bandara internasional JFK. Taksi yang saya naiki menuju hotel di kawasan 1st Avenue Manhattan, ternyata disopiri seorang muslim asal Afrika.

Begitupun dengan sopir taksi yang mengantar ke Grand Central Station. Dia muslim dari Lebanon. Bahkan ketika sedang asyik menikmati gemerlap Times Square, saya sempat kenalan dan ngobrol dengan seorang pegawai bus wisata New York Sightseeing, yang lagi-lagi muslim.

Daftarnya makin panjang bila saya memasukkan pemilik toko-toko souvenir di kawasan China Town dan para penjual hotdog di daerah Queens Boulevard. Mereka adalah bagian dari sekitar 600 ribu warga muslim New York.

Menurut data dari Middle East Institute Columbia University, Islam menjadi salah satu agama dengan perkembangan paling cepat di New York. Selama puluhan tahun, komunitas muslim di Big Apple tumbuh melalui imigrasi dan pemeluk baru. Komunitas ini terdiri berbagai bangsa, ras, aliran, dan kelas sosial.

Seiring pertambahan umat, jumlah masjid yang dibangun makin banyak. Saat ini ada sekitar seratusan masjid yang tersebar di lima wilayah ( borough) New York City. Beraneka rupa bentuknya, ada yang mirip ruko ada pula yang megah lengkap dengan kubah seperti di Islamic Cultural Center of New York di 3rd Avenue Manhattan (satu-satunya masjid yang sempat saya sambangi).

Umumnya pembangunan masjid dilakukan oleh komunitas muslim setempat dengan biaya swadaya dan mengandalkan donasi dari negara-negara muslim lain. Biasanya juga tidak ada penentangan dari masyarakat sekitar. Kecuali pada pembangunan Cordoba House yang dipimpin oleh Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf.

Pusat Kebudayaan sekaligus masjid ini akan dibangun di Park 51, dua blok dari Ground Zero. Meski sudah mengantongi seluruh perizinan terkait, kalangan media massa sengaja membuat sensasi dengan menyebutkan Cordoba House akan dibangun tepat di Ground Zero. Alhamdulillah, berkat rangkaian lobi yang dilakukan Imam Feisal, pembangunan Cordoba House akan dimulai pada akhir tahun ini.

Astari Yanuarti

Kesegaran di Jantung Manhattan (1)

Central Park bak oase di tengah belantara pencakar langit New York City. Keteduhan dan kecantikan lansekapnya memikat hati puluhan juta pengunjung.

Belvedere Castle Lake

Wajah pengantin perempuan bergaun putih panjang itu, secerah mentari yang bersinar terik pada Ahad siang di musim gugur lalu. Sambil menggenggam buket bunga mawar, mulutnya tak henti menyunggingkan senyum dan melontarkan tawa.

Keceriaan ikut menjalar ke kerumunan kerabat di sekeliling sang pengantin baru. Rombongan kecil ini kemudian bergerak perlahan menuju gerbang keluar yang mengarah ke W.100th Street, Central Park West. Mereka menunggu mobil jemputan untuk pulang.

Tak lama berselang, terdengar keriuhan dari gerbang yang sama. Ratusan orang berkostum dan berpita merah jambu berjalan keluar. Beberapa poster bertuliskan solidaritas untuk para penderita kanker teracung ke langit.

Saat barisan panjang ini mulai terurai, saya melangkah masuk ke gerbang Central Park. Beberapa meter di sebelah kanan gerbang, puluhan anak balita berlarian kian kemari di area taman bermain. Tawa mereka nyaring terdengar, meski tetap tak sanggup membangunkan beberapa bayi montok yang tertidur lelap di dalam kereta bayi.

Makin lama menyusuri jalanan ke dalam, kesunyian mulai terasa. Hembusan angin musim gugur membawa serta alunan lembut saksofon. Nun di kejauhan, di bawah pohon rindang,  tampak dua pemuda, satu menggesek contrabass dan satu meniup saksofon. Dari sanalah musik merdu itu mengalun.

Beragam aktivitas tadi, biasa terjadi di Central Park setiap akhir pekan. Taman kota seluas 841 hektare ( sekitar empat kali luas Taman Monas Jakarta) ini memang menjadi tempat favorit warga New York City. Warga Amerika dan turis asing juga menyukai taman berbentuk persegi panjang ini.

Menurut data Central Park Conservacy, perusahaan swasta nirlaba pengelola taman, setiap tahun, sekitar 35 juta orang datang berkunjung. Jumlah ini membuat Central Park tercatat sebagai taman paling populer di Amerika.

Mengapa begitu banyak orang jatuh cinta pada Central Park? Ada berderet alasan. Seperti yang tersirat dari nama, lokasinya tepat di tengah Manhattan, jantung kota New York. Taman rancangan duo Frederick Law Olmsted dan Calvert Vaux, meski sepenuhnya buatan manusia, tapi terlihat alami dan sangat indah.

Sebanyak 24 ribu pohon beraneka spesies tumbuh memenuhi area taman. Kerindangan pepohonan ini mengundang 275 spesies burung singgah di Central Park saat migrasi tahunan menuju Atlantik.

sign of autumn

Terdapat tujuh danau dan kolam, padang rumput, 21 taman bermain, kebun binatang, tempat es skating, lapangan tenis, basket, sepakbola, dan voli, kastil pengamatan burung migran, teater, dan kebun bunga. Tersedia juga tujuh area khusus untuk para pencari ketenangan, misalnya di Strawberry Field dan East Green. Tak boleh ada alat musik dan aktivitas olahraga apapun di wilayah ini.

Khusus untuk pehobi sepeda, jogging, sepatu roda dan rollerblading, tersedia trek sepanjang 10 kilometer di dalam Central Park. Sedangkan total jalan setapak yang disediakan untuk pejalan kaki mencapai nyaris 100 kilometer. Karena itu, sebelum menjelajahi Central Park, bawalah peta yang tersedia gratis di bagian informasi taman ataupun di hotel-hotel.

Keindahan taman yang resmi dibuka tahun 1859 ini juga memikat para sutradara beken. Ratusan film sudah dibuat dengan berlatar Central Park. Contohnya: Serendipity, When Harry Met Sally, Home Alone 2, dan Enchanted.

Harleem Meer Lake

Para pemusik tenar pun menjadikan taman ini sebagai lokasi konser akbar. Yang paling fenomenal dan tercatat sebagai konser terbesar sepanjang sejarah adalah saat penyanyi country legendaris Garth Brooks manggung Agustus 1997. Penontonnya 980 ribu orang!

Walau menyediakan puluhan tempat beraktifitas, masuk Central Park bebas biaya alias gratis. Taman ini buka setiap hari sepanjang tahun mulai subuh hingga pukul 01 dinihari. Tak perlu khawatir soal keamanan, karena ada banyak petugas keamanan dan aturan larangan minum alkohol di dalam Central Park.

Kamis, Juni 02, 2011

Sensasi Eksotis Pulau Umang

Pulau mungil di ujung barat Pulau Jawa ini tak hanya punya pasir putih dan laut jernih. Desain vila-vilanya menyatu dengan alam. Makan malam bertabur bintang jadi pilihan.
Buih putih memercik mengiringi laju perahu kayu yang membawa kami. Deru mesin tempel berbaur desau angin menimpali percakapan segelintir penumpang. Sebagian lagi terlihat asyik menikmati keindahan laut biru yang terhampar, walau dengan mata terpicing karena menahan cahaya matahari.

Terik mentari itu membuat laut berkilau bak permata. Beberapa saat kemudian, tampak hamparan pasir putih. Perlahan-lahan, sosok pulau mungil itu makin jelas. Tiga bangunan beratap tinggi terlihat menyeruak di tengah selimut kehijauan aneka pohon.

Di sebelahnya ada beberapa gazebo beratap rumbia yang menjorok ke laut. Perahu berpenumpang 20-an orang ini berbelok ke kanan. Sebuah dermaga kecil telah menanti kami. Warna cokelat tua tiang-tiang kayu dermaga itu berpadu indah dengan gradasi putih, hijau, dan biru air laut di sekelilingnya.

Di bawah dermaga, sekelompok ikan dan kepiting berenang kian kemari. Ketika kami menjejak dermaga, kelegaan menghampiri. Akhir Mei lalu, kami menikmati sensasi eksotis Pulau Umang, setelah menempuh empat jam perjalanan darat dari Jakarta plus 10 menit naik kapal.


Ketika menebarkan pandangkan ke pulau seluas lima hektare itu, rasa penasaran muncul. Seasyik apa sih pulau yang terletak di sekitar Taman Nasional Ujungkulon, Kabupaten Pandeglang, Banten, ini?

Sejak 2004, PT Griya Sukses Mandiri (GSM) menyulap pulau ini menjadi resor berkonsep alam.
Kini sudah berdiri 60 bangunan vila tahan gempa dan air pasang. Ini terlihat dari bentuk rumah panggung seperti di Kalimantan.

Interiornya pun unik dan alami. Kayu, kaca, tanah liat, dengan bebatuan menjadi bahan utama yang menghias vila. Konsep open living room benar-benar membuat vila dengan dua kamar itu terlihat lapang dan nyaman. Dominasi dinding kaca di lantai atas juga membuat cahaya bisa masuk dengan bebas.

Presiden Direktur PT GSM Christian P.B. Halim menyebutkan, semua vila menghadap ke laut. Bangunan itu menempati dua kawasan: sunset dan sunrise. Jadi, setiap penghuni vila bisa menikmati matahari tenggelam dan matahari terbit.

Selain itu, ada banyak bangunan lain. Misalnya ada The Beach Club, Sunrise Cafe, Private Beach, Jacuzzy, Kids Pool, dan gazebo di pinggir pantai. Semua bangunan beratap tinggi dan berbahan utama kayu. ''Kami ingin membuat pengunjung sejenak lepas dari kepenatan kota,'' kata Christian, yang membeli Pulau Umang itu sejak1980.


Ribuan tanaman juga menghijaukan areal di sekeliling pulau. Menurut Christian, mereka punya program penghijauan untuk menjaga vegetasi alamiah Pulau Umang. Untuk itu, kerj asama dengan Ujungkulon Conservation Society pun terjalin. Bahkan tiap wisatawan diajak ikut menanam satu pohon tiap berkunjung.

Pengelola Pulau Umang bertekad memenuhi sendiri kebutuhan air bersih untuk seluruh wilayahnya. Itu bukan hal mudah, karena luas Pulau Umang tak seberapa dan sangat rentan abrasi. ''Lalu saya mulai membangun sumur-sumur serapan air supaya cadangan air tawar makin tinggi,'' tutur Christian.

Usahanya tak sia-sia. Kini air bersih bisa mengalir lancar di setiap vila. Malah, berkat penghijauan dan sumur serapan itu, luas pulau bertambah secara alami. Dulu, ketika dibeli, luas pulau itu kurang dari 4 hektare. Tingginya kandungan air tawar di pulau itu sedikit demi sedikit menarik pasir-pasir karang di sisi luar pantai. Semakin lama, pasir yang terikat kian banyak, sehingga menambah luas wilayah pulau.


Kini di Pulau Umang tersedia banyak fasilitas wisata air. Berenang sampai puas, baik di laut maupun di kolam, sudah pasti. Masih ada pula banana boat, memancing, dan jetski. Yang tak kalah asyik adalah snorkeling. Tapi ini bukan di Pulau Umang. Kita harus pergi dulu ke Pulau Oar, yang juga milik Christian Halim. Biasanya kunjungan dilakukan setelah jam makan siang.

Di pulau yang berjarak tempuh 15 menit dengan perahu motor itu, suasananya masih sangat alami. Vegetasi liar, seperti ilalang, ketapang, menyelimuti pulau seluas 4 hektare ini. Keindahan kehidupan bawah laut di sekitar Pulau Oar lumayan memukau. Selain karang, masih ada beberapa hewan laut dan tumbuhan yang hidup bebas di sana.

Sepulang dari Pulau Oar, santap malam di atas pasir putih sudah menanti. Sederet bangku dan meja sudah tertata rapi di sepanjang pantai dekat dermaga. Kelap-kelip puluhan lampu minyak membuat suasana temaram itu bernuansa romantis. Apalagi, langit malam pada saat itu cerah bertabur bintang.

Debur ombak sesekali menjilati bibir pantai tak jauh dari meja-meja kami. Aroma hidangan laut bakar membuat perut makin keroncongan. Setelah cukup lama menunggu, sederet menu lezat tersaji di meja. Ada udang bakar, tumisan cumi bakar, aneka ikan goreng, tumis kangkung, lalap, dan sambal dabu-dabu. Hmmm.... nikmat sekali rasanya.


Selain menikmati wisata laut, pengunjung Pulau Umang juga bisa mencoba beragam aksi seru dengan outbond dan kemping. Lokasinya memang bukan di Pulau Umang, melainkan di Tangkilsari. Kawasan ini ada di dekat lapangan parkir pengunjung pulau yang terletak di Sumur (Pulau Jawa). Terdapat aneka permainan khas outbond, seperti flying fox, wall climbing, dan high roop's.

Lalu ada juga elvi's (berjalan di atas seutas tali yang terbentang sekitar lima meter di atas permukaan tanah) dan bambu gila. Semuanya makin seru karena dilakukan di atas bukit yang langsung menghadap ke laut. Pulau Umang dan Oar pun bisa terlihat dari bukit setinggi 50 meter itu. ''Area kami memang khas karena meliputi sungai, bukit, dan laut,'' kata Christian.

Sayang, hingga kini masih banyak wisatawan yang alergi datang ke kawasan pantai. Mereka masih takut pada tsunami dan gelombang pasang. Menurut Christian, meski berada di laut, pulaunya tergolong aman dari ancaman tsunami dan gelombang pasang. Letak Pulau Umang terlindung karena berada di teluk. Ada Tanjung Lesung di sebelah utara dan Ujungkulon di sisi barat.

Akses menuju pulau yang terletak 183 kilometer di sebelah barat daya Jakarta itu pun tergolong mudah. Banyak angkutan umum yang sampai ke Sumur, meski harus beberapa kali berganti kendaraan. Kalau mau ringkas, bisa memakai angkutan travel atau kendaraan pribadi.

Astari Yanuarti


Warga Kampung Cibeo, Baduy Dalam tetap bertahan dengan adat istiadat warisan leluhur. Banyak wisatawan tertarik berkunjung untuk meresapi ketenangan dan menikmati kehidupan kembali ke alam.

Sengatan terik mentari menemani penjelajahan ke kampung suku Baduy Dalam, suatu siang di pertengahan Mei. Trekking ini bermula dari Kampung Ciboleger, pintu masuk kawasan perkampungan Baduy di Desa Kanekes, Kabupaten Lebak, Propinsi Banten.

Sebuah papan petunjuk arah terpampang di persimpangan jalan tanah setapak di ujung kampung Ciboleger. Dua bilah kayu berbentuk anak panah mengarah ke dua sisi berlawanan. Yang ke kiri tertulis Cibeo 12 km, yang ke kanan tertulis Gajebo 3 km. Cibeo, adalah nama salah satu kampung Baduy Dalam yang menjadi tujuan utama para wisatawan.

Kampung mungil yang terletak di pegunungan Kendeng ini terkenal dengan keaslian budaya dan adat istiadat kuno warisan nenek moyang suku Baduy.  Selain Cibeo, masih ada dua kampung Baduy Dalam lain: Cikertawana  dan Cikeusik. Tapi, lokasi keduanya lebih sulit dijangkau dan lebih terpencil.


Meski Cibeo menjadi destinasi akhir, tapi saya berbelok ke kanan. Rute melewati Gajebo, sebuah kampung Baduy Luar, memang lebih populer bagi para trekker. Biasanya mereka memilih singgah semalam di Gajebo untuk melepaskan penat setelah berkendara tiga sampai lima jam dari Jakarta, plus satu jam berjalan kaki ke Gajebo.

Trek menuju Gajebo cukup menguras energi, apalagi  dilalui di tengah siang bolong. Nyaris tak ada trek mendatar. Tanjakan dan turunan dengan kemiringan hingga 45 derajat terbentang sepanjang jalan yang diapit sederetan ladang milik warga Baduy Luar.

Sekitar pukul 2 siang, saya tiba di Gajebo. Kampung yang tak begitu luas itu mendadak riuh. Sebab, saya pergi bersama rombongan karyawan dan direksi Indosat yang berjumlah sekitar 100 orang.

Saat itu, sebagian besar warga laki-laki sedang berada di ladang. Sementara para ibu terlihat tekun menenun di teras-teras rumah panggung beratap rumbia. Suara alat tenun mereka ditingkahi dengan celotehan anak-anak yang berlarian di lorong-lorong sempit pembatas antar rumah.

Selang sepuluh menit, saya bersama setengah dari rombongan bersiap melanjutkan perjalanan ke Cibeo .Sisanya akan bermalam di kampung Gazebo menemani Direktur Utama Indosat Johnny Swandi Sjam yang tak kuat lagi meneruskan perjalanan. "Maklum nafas perokok, dan kurang latihan," ujar Johnny.

Perjalanan ke Cibeo dimulai dengan menyusuri sisi sungai sekitar setengah kilo. Setelah itu trek yang kami lalui mulai menguras tenaga dan menghabiskan nafas. Dua hingga tiga bukit harus disusuri. Tiba-tiba titik-titik hujan jatuh menimpa dedaunan. Curahan hujan menjadi berkah mendinginkan suhu usai terpanggang matahari seharian. Tapi hujan membuat trek tanah lempung makin licin dan sulit dilalui.

Hujan mulai reda saat saya mencapai batas wilayah kawasan Baduy Luar dengan Baduy Dalam yang dipisahkan sungai dengan jembatan gantung bambu. Kelegaan menghampiri ketika melihat papan kayu bertuliskan Cibeo 4 km.

Tapi hanya sesaat. Tepat di seberang sungai, jalanan menanjak sepanjang sekilometer dengan kemiringan lebih dari nyaris 60 derajat sudah menanti. Dengan nafas ngos-ngosan, trek terberat ini berhasil dilalui.

Dari sela-sela kerimbunan pohon di depan, tampak jajaran lumbung-lumbung padi. Komposisi bangunan berwaran coklat dengan kehijauan dedaunan sangat menarik diabadikan. Namun,saya terpaksa menahan diri. Menurut Herman, warga kampung Cibeo yang menemani perjalanan sejak Ciboleger, semua alat elektronik harus dimatikan. "Dilarang memotret, merekam video,  dan memakai ponsel di kawasan Baduy Dalam," katanya.

Herman menuturkan, larangan ini adalah bagian dari ketentuan adat istiadat ( pikukuh) suku Baduy Dalam untuk menjaga nama baik dan kelestarian budaya mereka. Sebagai penganut aliran kepercayaan Sunda Wiwitan, warga Baduy Dalam  percaya dengan Sang Hyang Tunggal, memuja arwah nenek moyang, dan memegang erat pikukuh dalam keseharian.

Ada banyak sekali pikukuh yang harus diterapkan. Misalnya, tidak boleh memakai odol, sabun, dan shampo karena mencemari lingkungan. Orang Baduy juga tidak bersekolah. Mereka meyakini sekolah akan membuat perubahan, yang berarti  menodai pikukuh.

Nah, orang Baduy yang melanggar atau tak bisa menjalankan pikukuh adat, akan diusir dari kampungnya. Mereka yang dikenal dengan nama Baduy Luar ini tinggal di sekeliling kampung aslinya. Saat ini ada 58 kampung Baduy, hanya tiga yang didiami suku Baduy Dalam.


Akhirnya, kami sampai di Cibeo menjelang jam 5 sore. Di tengah cahaya mentari yang mulai termaram, terhampar kampung mungil yang tertata rapi dan bersih. Di tengah kampung ada jalan lebar berbatu. Rumah-rumah panggung beratap rumbia berderet apik di sepanjang sisi jalan itu. Sungai Ciujung yang jernih mengelilingi kampung yang dihuni 117 kepala keluarga ini. Suasana kampung ini terasa damai dan tenang.

Mereka menyambut dengan senyum ramah. Pakaian yang mereka kenakan berwarna serupa paduan hitam dan putih. Kaum lelaki dan perempuan sama-sama memakai rok lilit  hitam. Hanya panjangnya yang berbeda, laki-laki diatas lutut, perempuan sebetis. Baju mereka disebut jamang, berwarna hitam, putih, atau  kombinasi. Semua lelaki memakai ikat kepala putih, ciri khas pembeda suku Baduy Dalam dengan Baduy Luar.

Di pinggang setiap lelaki termasuk anak laki-laki terselip golok. Senjata ini menjadi senjata wajib  untuk dalam keseharian baik di ladang, di rumah, atau bepergian. Di sana sini, terlihat para bocah itu memainkan golok mereka dengan lincah.  Saya agak bergidik melihatnya.

Meski berpegang teguh pada adat istiadat, warga Cibeo  terbiasa menerima tamu. Menurut Herman setiap musim liburan, ada sekitar 800 orang per hari yang mengunjungi Cibeo. Sebagian besar menginap di rumah-rumah penduduk seperti rombongan kami.


Saya bersama seluruh anggota perempuan yang jumlahnya kurang dari 10 orang menginap di rumah Pak Santa ( nama orang Baduy Dalam hanya terdiri dari satu kata). Rumah orang Baduy Dalam punya beberapa kekhasan. Seperti tidak berjendela, hanya ada dua ruangan, dan punya tungku di dalam rumah. Untuk menghindari kebakaran, lantai kayu disekitar tungku dilapisi tanah liat. Asap hasil pembakaran keluar melalui lubang angin di atap.

Karena tidak mengenal mata uang, mereka hanya memakan apa yang tersedia di alam dan hasil ladang seperti beras, sayuran, pisang, madu hutan, jambu, dan kelapa. Kami seperti lazimnya pengunjung lain, membawa bahan makanan cepat saji seperti mie, abon, dan sereal untuk dimasak, karena tak ingin membebani tuan rumah.

Sembari menunggu, makan malam siap, rombongan saya memutuskan untuk mandi di sungai. Berbekal sinar senter para lelaki berceburan ke sungai. Sementara yang perempuan memilih ke bilik mata air yang terletak masuk ke hutan. Tentu saja kami dilarang memakai sabun, odol, shampo dan sejenisnya.


Usai mandi, meski hanya diterangi lampu minyak kelapa, kami menikmati makan malam sederhana dengan lahap. Lalu tertidur pulas diatas papan kayu tanpa selimut ditemani bunyi jangkrik dan serangga malam lain.

Perbincangan hangat dengan pemilik rumah, terjalin keesokan hari. Sembari ikut memasak makan pagi, kami mengorek banyak cerita tentang adat istiadat, kebiasaan, dan keseharian suku Baduy Dalam. Kegiatan ini diselingi dengan penawaran aneka barang kerajinan buatan mereka. Ada kain tenun lilit, baju jamang bersulam, syal, gantungan kunci, tas kulit pohon, dan madu hutan.

Menjelang siang, kami berpamitan pulang diiringi hujan deras yang menyiram Cibeo. Beberapa dari kami meninggalkan nomor telepon dan alamat untuk menjaga tali silaturahmi. Berbekal alamat itu, kelak Herman dan rekan-rekannya akan melakukan kunjungan balasan dengan berjalan kaki menempuh jarak ratusan kilometer.

Astari Yanuarti

Minggu, Februari 13, 2011

MAIN REPORT: Waiting For Realization of SBY Sweet Promise

Problems of poverty and the low quality of human life, directly confronting the economic and the people welfare team in the SBY-Boediono cabinet . Without equality, high economic growth is clearly not enough. Could "rainbow cabinet" realize the sweet promises of  SBY?

The inauguration of ministers in the United Indonesia Cabinet (KIB) vol II, marking the birth of a new government. There was no time for the party salvation. In contrast, members of the cabinet, especially the ministers of economics and welfare of the people, must be immediately rolled up their sleeves. They should help the president fulfill the sweet promises during the presidential election campaign, in past July.

There are a series of promises that often said by those couple, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY)-Boediono, during past campaigns. Of poverty alleviation, job creation, low school fees, to free medical treatment. Social issues concerning the economic livelihood of many are effective to attract the sympathy of voters.

Armed with the slogan "Continue!", The couple SBY-Boediono disclose the achievements the Government of Indonesia during the period 2004-2009. In the health sector, the health functions budget   increases tripled, from USD 5.8 trillion in 2005 to around Rp 16 trillion in 2008. These additions are used for rolling the health services in health centers, posyandu, or through the Health Care Insurance Program for Poor People (Jamkesmas).

Achieving similar happens in the education sector, the budget increases to reach 20% of the national budget in 2009, or equivalent to Rp 224 trillion. Previously, the education budget is in the range of 10% of the national budget. These additions are used for the implementation of BOS Program (school operational costs), free education, increased teacher salaries and operational costs of education (BOP).

Then there's flagship program, the direct cash assistance (BLT) which has purpose as a poverty alleviation and burden reduction of the poor due to rising fuel prices (fuel). This year target is reducing the number of poor people only 8.2% of the total population. In accordance with the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) record, the post-fuel price hike in 2006, the poverty rate showed a downward trend (see table: Number of Population in Poverty in Indonesia).

Unemployment rate can also be reduced, from 10.9 million in 2005 to 9.3 million people this year. Economic growth on average increased from 5% in 2004 to 6.1% in 2008. In this year, due to the global financial crisis, economic growth fell to only 4.5% of the original target of 7%.

KIB Vol I achievement could have been given appreciation. But some of them are only real in paper. Because the reality on the ground is not as beautiful as the statistics. Some of the poor in various parts of the country are forced to continue paying the hospital costs, although obviously they do not have the money. They are also difficult to attend school because of limited seating capacity for free public schools.

Such conditions certainly worsen quality of life of Indonesian citizens. The result can be seen in the report Human Development Report of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), which was released in October 2009. Indonesia Human Development Index (HDI) ranking declined from 107 positions in 2006 to 111 this year from 182 countries.

HDI is a comparative measure of life expectancy, literacy, education, and income per capita. This index using a scale from 0 to 1 was used to classify the developed countries, developing, or underdeveloped. Indonesia HDI figures recorded at 0.734 so that the boundary line between the developing and underdeveloped countries.

Indonesia's HDI figures continued to increase during the period 1980 to 2007. The average increase 1.26% per year from 0.522 to 0.734 at this time (new UNDP publication is based on data in 2007). But the ratings tended to fall.

In fact, even for the ASEAN region, Indonesia is only ahead of Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia, and Timor Leste. Indonesia was lagging behind Singapore which ranked 23, Brunei (30), Malaysia (66), Thailand (86), and the Philippines (105).

According to Rizal Malik, Team Leader of the Democratic Governance Unit of UNDP, the reasons behind declining Indonesia HDI ranking is life expectancy in Indonesia relatively low, which is only 70.5%. In addition, maternal mortality rate after birth in Indonesia is the highest in Asia, which is 420 per 100,000 births. Infant mortality rate in Indonesia is still the highest in ASEAN.

While the literacy side, Indonesia''s record is pretty, with the numbers 92% of the total population over the age of 15 years. "Improving HDI measurement, especially in health indicators and disparities quality of education,  are the main challenge for the cabinet now," said Rizal to Rukmi Hapsari from Gatra.

Rizal emphasized, equality of economic growth is essential to ensure community income. Despite increased economic growth since 2006, the income gap between the rich and the poor even higher. BPS data mentioned, the number Gini coefficient (inequality) rose from 0.32% in 2005 to 0.37% in 2007.

Understandably, the Indonesian economy is still concentrated in Java. Economic sectors are designed in an integrated economic region outside Java was not so alive. For the production of primary goods from eastern Indonesia still sucked into the area of Java and Sumatra for development.

As for poverty alleviation, Imam B. Prasodjo, a sociologist from the University of Indonesia, said that the government should stop the BLT. Because, in reality, BLT money is not used to buy basic needs, even used to buy cigarettes, mobile phone, and gambling. Based on data from SUSENAS 2006, more than 12 million poor families use the BLT funds to buy cigarettes.

For this reason, Imam proposed replacement of BLT with basic food coupons that can be exchanged at the store or the local traditional market. It could also providing free seeds to farmers, boats and nets for fishermen, and capital assistance to traders. "Sure,poverty can not be overcome by direct money," said Imam, as he stated the need for accurate and precise data on aid recipients.

Not only BLT is in need of revision, the implementation of the BOS must be improved. Because in case of fraud committed BOS funds the principal actors. If the BOS is not distorted, its use is often not straightforward because of the lack of management skills of school heads. Therefore, there should be assistance to the schools how to use the BOS for the progress of schools and students. So, good luck Mr. and Mrs. Minister! Indonesian people wait your hard work to fulfill SBY sweet promises.

Astari Yanuarti

Human Development Index Ranking *

HDI Rank Country Score
1 Norway 0.971
23 Singapore 0.944
30 Brunei 0.920
66 Malaysia 0.829
86 Thailand 0.783
105 Philippines 0.751
110 Palestinian 0.737
111 Vietnam  0,735
116 Indonesia 0.734
Laos 0.725
133 Cambodia 0.619
137 Myanmar 0.593
138 Timor 0.586
162 East 0.489 182
Nigeria 0.340

* Source: Human Development Report 2009 United Nations Development Program (UNDP)

Total Population in Poverty in Indonesia *

Year Number Percent
2004 36.1 million 16.6%
2005 35.1 million 16%
2006 39.3 million 17.8%
2007 37.2 million 16.6%
2008 35.0 million 15.4%
2009 32 , 5 million people 14% **

* Source: Central Bureau of Statistics in 2009
** Projected Medium-Term Development Plan is 8.2%, meaning the target is missed 


Mohammad Hasan, former Minister of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Indonesia
It's Time to be A Master in Our Country

Dominance of imported food should be eliminated because only a waste of foreign exchange. We can start with reduce freight transport costs between regions. At this time, the cost of shipping one container 20 feet from Surabaya to Jakarta to reach  7.5 millions Rupiah by train. Compare the cost of shipping from Singapore to Jakarta is only US$ 200 ( 2 millions Rupiah).

In addition, there needs to be guidance from the relevant ministries to farmers, especially in the selection and packaging of agricultural products. With the lowest quality goods for local markets, the level above it to the main markets, and the best for export.

To overcome the high prices of fruits and local food, land management need to be updated so that the level of production. Should have no agricultural land was divided to the heirs so that eventually sold for smaller and unprofitable.

The ministers should be brave and defend the local economic actors. For example, although some development projects using foreign aid, management still must be in the hands of Indonesia in order to ensure technology transfer. At this time, local companies such as IKPT been able to work on projects, petrochemical and LNG which are known difficult and high-tech.

Our country should stop just become exporters of raw materials, and should begin to export goods to increase the added value. Ironic, as the third largest cocoa producer in the world, Indonesia has to import instead of chocolate from France, Belgium, and Switzerland. Therefore, there needs to be incentives for the production of finished goods which have a higher investment value and create more jobs.

The basics, we must be masters in our own home. Import raw materials such as soybeans and wheat can be replaced with a fish that is abundant. Therefore, fish should not be exported in the form of intact, but once processed into tofu, tempe, and instant noodles or can be made into meatballs, dragon legs, and nugget.

Whereas for timber and rattan industry, the government must ensure the availability of raw materials. Do not get raw materials from abroad more cheaply. More important, the team was formed to protect exporters and domestic industries.

Our exporters still face tariff barriers and non-tariff. For example, at the time of wood furniture exports to Japan are taxed imports and non-tariff protection in the form of Japan Agricultural Standard. One one level set Formaldehyde content in furniture glue that is safe from the threat of cancer.

I recommend that the Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Trade, and other relevant departments actively negotiating with industry and trade associations who became actors. Negotiations are ideally chaired by the Ministry of Finance so as to accelerate decision-making.

Firmanzah, Dean of the Faculty of Economics University of Indonesia
Regional Entrepreneurial Create Group
The challenge of the new cabinet's economic team is the synchronization of policy and implementation across technical departments. Duties and roles of the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs to be central. Because not only put the ministers in working meetings. More than that, they need direction and clear economic policy and integrated with each other.

The government must make a series of policies to drive the real sector. Starting with a set road map strengthening the real sector, which together macro and micro perspectives. Then create an investment climate that efficient and effective. Licensing bureaucracy should also be trimmed so no more room for high cost economy.

Then create a group of new entrepreneurs in agriculture, plantations, marine, and livestock in the regions to optimize the potential of the local economy. Need to be cut capital costs by decreasing the interest rate business loans. Also create industry clusters based on comparative advantage.

High economic growth is nothing without distribution. Therefore, the acceleration of distribution of development of national infrastructure that Indonesia is connected by sea, air, and land is a necessity. Necessary investment incentive policies to prospective investors in the areas outside Java and intensifying partnerships with the state-owned regional SMEs.

To overcome the entanglement of foreign debt, the government can extent and intensify tax revenues and state contributions. In addition, the government must maintain the budget deficit at a safe level so as not to burden the government debt burden.

Restructuring and strengthening of national industries should be made to produce products and services of international quality. Equipped with the preparation of superior products for domestic and export markets. National competitiveness will increase with increasing access to education and skills of human resources, the creation of the business climate, and healthy competition.

Faisal H. Basri, Economic Analyst
Five Strategies Equity Acceleration
There are five strategic goals that need to be proclaimed by the government to accelerate equitable economic growth and equitable. First, a solid economic structure is not vulnerable exposed external shocks, independent, and competitive. Second, qualified human resources.

Third, the mobilization of all potential sources of domestic funds to generate financing that is consistent with the investment needs. Fourth, the utilization of natural resources in a synergistic and sustainable. Fifth, the bureaucracy is competent, effective, and clean.

High economic growth and sustainable can be achieved when the economy is supported by a solid foundation and back boned by growth in agriculture and manufacturing. Two of these sectors directly determining the national productivity and feed more people.

Growth in other sectors, such as financial services, ought to be able to increase the supply of investment funds to productive sectors. In order to play optimally, the financial sector must be healthy and efficient. So they can avoid the placement of speculative funds and bring investor confidence in the long run.

Indeed foreign real investment in Indonesia is still very small compared with other countries. Because the concentration of foreign ownership on the bourses. Foreign domination in the market makes the inflow of funds from financial investments (stocks and bonds) is easy to fly. 

*translated from original article: Menanti Janji Manis SBY, published in Majalah GATRA

Spring in Indonesian Green Crafts

Environmentally friendly trend affects furniture and handicraft industry. Eco-label is the key to win the world market competition. Do not forget to register copyright.

Furniture and handicraft industry will continue to shine bright, despite the global financial crisis still encompass developed countries. This confidence is held by Teguh Ambar Tjahyono,  Chairman of The Indonesian Furniture and Handicraft Association (Asmindo).

Ambar's belief is based on the success of the Indonesia Furniture and Craft Fair (IFFINA) 2009, which ended last Sunday. Five-day exhibition at the Jakarta Fair area, recorded sales transaction around US$ 170 million. This figure will increase, since the buyers will visit directly to industrial centers of Indonesian furniture and handicrafts, after IFFINA 2009.

Trade exhibition held by Asmindo this time involving at least 311 participants and 2,000 buyers from 94 countries. "The biggest transaction still come from the USA, Spain, the Netherlands, Australia, and Middle Eastern countries," said Ambar.

IFFINA's good achievement gives fresh wind into huge campaign of Indonesian creative industries. Since the government set the year 2009 as the Year of Creative Industries, many groups pay attention directly to the 14-sector of creative industries.

This year, creative industries contribution to gross domestic product (GDP) growth is targeted to increase 6%.Higher than the average contribution of the creative industries for the years 2002-2006, only 4.74% or equivalent to Rp 79 trillion each year. Its target also create employment for 5.4 million people ( more detail see table).

Furniture and handicrafts, along with fashion, design, and advertising, is the largest contributor in the creative industries. Every year, average growth of export value for furniture and crafts is 7.5%. The export market and craft furniture targeted to reach U.S. $ 2.7 billion during this year.

Sure,it takes hard work and the right strategy to achieve this target. Speaking the strategy,  related parties in the furniture and handicraft industry are likely agree to choose environmentally friendly theme. Evidence can be seen in the series of exhibitions held during next month.

After IFFINA 2009 brought "The Gateway of Green Rattan Furniture & Lifestyle" theme, Inacraft  2009 did not want to lag. Exhibition held by the Indonesian Handicraft Exporters and Manufacturers  Association (Asephi) on 22-26 April at the Central Council of Jakarta Convention Center will pick a theme "Inspiring People to Care about the Environmentally Friendly Handicraft".

Ambar explained, they selected green products theme with primary consideration that it is the best way to win the competition. Indeed, Indonesia is still superior in terms of quality, material, color, ethnic characteristics, and price when compared with similar products from other Southeast Asian countries.

However, green products could fail to penetrate American and European market that looked important for environmentally friendly products certification (eco-label). Those labels are meant as a sign to inform that the wood used as a based material of the product came from a manageable forest which was run accordingly. In other words, the wood used is not the result of illegal logging. "We must prove that products of Indonesia, in addition to high quality, also environmentally friendly. Even some of the exhibitions transaction is allocated to forest conservation," explains Ambar.

To help 2000 members get a green certification, Asmindo formed a new unit Asmindo Care Certification (ACC). It receives support from Senada (four-year program funded by the United States Agency for International Development – USAID) and is on duty giving the consultation mechanism to gain certification.

The establishment of ACC was in accordance with the needs of the furniture and handicrafts entrepreneur. There are 40 companies that have used ACC services and successfully obtain eco-label.

Strict green certification requirements at the same time opening new opportunities for products of Indonesia. Previously, in a separate occasion, the Director of Indonesian Republic Handicraft's Development  Association (APIKRI), Amir Panzuri, ask the entrepreneurs or prospective employers of handicraft products to take this golden opportunity.

He said, eco-friendly crafts not only related to the wood raw material. But also forbid to use scarce goods raw material, not renewable goods, and mineral obtained with destroying the environment.

Although the rules seemed to limit creativity, in fact there are many types of green materials. For example, pandanus leaf fiber, water hyacinth, bamboo, sengon, mahogany, and sonokeling wood. All of them are fast growing trees and not rare trees.

Such restrictions can also trigger the creativity of the craftsman. Look at APIKRI movement to develop pandanus leaf fiber crafts. When developed, it will produce high quality products and saleable in the market. To encourage the use of pandanus fiber, APIKRI has pilot project in Congot Beach, Yogyakarta. Since May 2008, as many as 5000 pandanus seeds spread along the coast. These plants can be harvested in two years.

Other creativity also came from other local craftsmen. They use waste raw materials. When combined with innovative design, good marketing, and tenacity, their products can be successful in the domestic market, even to the world market.

Processed steel waste product made by Yeyen Komalasari is one good example. Woman who live in Cilegon, Banten Province, has made steel waste plates into bag, mobile phone hook, mat, table decorations, and helmet.

Around 600 residents in the Bojong Genggong, Bandung regency, hang up the pot of rice on textile factory waste. They weave yarns into cloth plate, mat, and table cloth. Every day, hundreds of dozen products made by Genggong Bojong weavers spread to various cities in Indonesia. "In fact some of them are exported to Brunei Darussalam," said H. Eli Sadeli.

Eli, who has 30 traditional weaving equipment and 40 employees, admitted that the form and design of his products are simple. Yet, the results could adequate family needs. Only from cloth plate sales, Eli earns income Rp 80 million per month.

Success of the simple design of the product also occurs in the Magno wooden radio made by Singgih Susilo Kartono, 40 year old craftsman lived in Kandangan village, Temanggung, Central Java. Magno has long list of achievements since first market entrance in 2004. The latest was chosen as champion of Brit Insurance Designs of the Year in 2009 for product category. This annual event was held by Design Museum of London. One month earlier, Magno awarded the Design Plus Award in 2009, in Germany.

The radio which consist of three series: WR01A radio-2B, WR03-CUBE/4B table radio, and  WR03-RECT/4B table radio, also attract music lover in the United States, Japan, Germany, the Netherlands, and several other European countries.

Sales record in USA has reach 250 units every month. In Japan as much as 50 units/month, and tens of units/ month to Europe. According to Singgih, Magno prices vary. In the United States it sold US$ 47.5 to US$ 80, in Japan at 17,500 yen, and in Europe at 160-240 euros. However, on the on-line market, one site in USA offers the simplest Magno model at price US$ 200.

American market enthusiasm began a years ago. Singgih got order 10,000 units worth Rp 4.9 billion.  Unfortunately, this order can not be immediately fulfilled. Because the production capacity of Magno who supported 30 employees, only about 150 units per month.

Therefore, Singgih said he could meet the request in one year. Now the production capacity in the  studio Piranti Works, reach 300 units per month with 50 employees, all citizens Kandangan. Its turnover increased to Rp 750 million per month.

Father of two children started to design radio to as a final task to get  bachelor degree from Design Products Department, Faculty of Visual Arts and Design Institute of Technology Bandung, in 1992. He chose the theme ''Radio Receiver Design using Indonesian Craft Technology".

After graduated, he still unsure whether stay in Bandung as a product designer or back to his hometown to start up his own business. Then, he worked as in house designer di Bandung for 3 years before he went back to Kandangan and established woodcraft production named  Aruna Aruntala.

Aruna Aruntala main products are wooden toys. Actually, he was interested in developing Magno which successfully got second winner International Design Resource Awards (IDRA) in 1997 in the United States. Unfortunately, he face two main constraints : lack of capital and market demand.

Opportunity opened when a new partner from Japan interested in buying Magno wooden radio in 2004. Singgih assisted  with his beloved wife, Tri Wahyuni, and four employees began to make Magno under the new company, Piranti Works. A year later, the radios made from ebony wood and pine, cruise to Japan market.

Magno design is simple, cute, and unique. This is in accordance with Singgih's principles to produce handicrafts using wood at least, but can generate as many jobs for the local community. He called this concept as: less wood more works, cut less plant more. He is sure, with quality of highly skilled craftsmen, it is possible to sell products with a good price and achieve market stability.

Nevertheless, using fewer materials is not enough. Kandangan's condition is molt. Almost of its trees were cut down for tobacco farming. So, in order to maintain environmental sustainability, Singgih launch replanting program since November 2007. “I replanting every single wood that I've used from the forest,” said Singgih.

Currently, various young trees such as sengon, sonokelings, and pines are planted around 2000 square meters in the surrounding Piranti Works studio. Singgih also collaborate with environmental activist, Mukidi, and junior high school children to grow  1,000 tree seeds. These young trees ready to be planted around the school area and on the slopes of Mount Sumbing in Central Java.  All this activities are funded through a part of Magno's sales income

In addition to saving the environment, the future of this program can also maintain the supply of raw materials of wood Magno radio. So that the business was still survive, and even can be a living object of Kandangan. "I hope, soon my company can accommodate up to 1000 craftsman or a quarter of the population Kandangan," said Singgih. What a noble wish!

Astari Yanuarti

Do not Forget Copyright

As a country blessed with rich biological resources and biodiversity, it is not easy for Indonesia to guard them from stolen by foreign nations. Evidently, many native cultures and products being recognized by other countries. Starts with batik, continued with tempe (meat substitute made from cooked soybeans), Toraja coffee, Gayo coffee, and Reog Ponorogo.

The product theft is carried out in accordance with the path of law, that is, register the product copyright to the WIPO, the UN agencies that handle intellectual property rights. Gap in the registration process allows the first parties who register become the copyright holder. So often, it negate the fact of the local cultural heritage.

Annexation like this could aggravate  the business, because of the rejection for assumed similar product   entering the international market. For example, it happen to the artificial crab chairs export made by Suhud a craftsman from Jepara, Central Java, which denied to enter China's market, in October 2008. The reason is a similar product already patented by Chinese local entrepreneur since 2002. So that Suhud's crab chair is not allowed to entry. In fact, Suhud already produce crab chair since 1990 and market it o China.

Many Indonesian craftsmen do not paying attention for patent, particularly the small scale business. The main reason is cost. Tricky bureaucracy is  the next reason. Adding the extra cost will make their products more expensive, so it more difficult to compete with competitor products.

Head of the National Export Development Agency (BPEN), Bachrul Chairi, said that copyrights and patents are very crucial matter in the creative industries that have the main asset of ideas and innovation. Therefore, BPEN have helped 700 products of creative economy get patents from the Department of Trade and the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. BPEN also manage nine Indonesian craft's copyright registration to gain recognition from UNESCO's seal of excellence.

The government also continue the process of identifying Indonesian products that have not yet registered. This proactive step is done to prevent theft by other countries. In addition, copyright protection can trigger the development of creative entrepreneurs to create niche products with high-value sale.

Astari Yanuarti

*translated from original article: Musim Semi Kerajinan Ramah Lingkungan, published in Majalah Gatra No 19/XV 25 Maret 2009 

Petualangan Nekat Pemuda Pengelana

Pemain: Emile Hirsch, Jena Malone, Hal Holbrook, William Hurt, dan Marcia Gay Hayden
Sutradara: Sean Penn
Produksi: Paramount Vantage, 2007

Kisah tragis petualang muda Christopher McCandless. Mengokohkan kematangan Sean Penn sebagai sutradara. Sarat gambar pemandangan alam spektakuler. Menyampaikan pesan kehidupan tanpa kesan menggurui.

Mengadaptasi film dari sebuah kisah nyata adalah tantangan sulit nan rumit. Tebaran begitu banyak realitas saling menjalin membentuk kisah panjang dan komplek. Maka jika tak hati-hati pemampatan bisa berakhir pada film yang membingungkan.

Sean Penn sukses melewati tantangan ini. Sebagai sutradara sekaligus penulis skenario, Penn membuat Into The Wild menjadi film petualangan yang sulit dilupakan. Bahkan tampil lebih memikat daripada buku berjudul sama karangan John Krakauer, yang menjadi dasar adaptasi film Into The Wild.

Biografi pemuda bernama Christopher McCandless ini meraih bestseller sejak peluncuran tahun 1996. Butuh 10 tahun bagi Penn untuk mengangkatnya ke layar lebar, karena menunggu izin keluarga McCandless.

Film dimulai saat Chris (Emile Hirsch) sudah berada di keliaran alam bersalju Alaska, tujuan utama petualangannya. Langkah kaki Chris berakhir di depan sebuah bus rongsok yang terdampar di area terbuka di sela-sela kerimbunan hutan cemara. Setelah memeriksa dengan cermat, Chris pun memutuskan tinggal di bus yang dia namai Magic Bus itu.

Lalu adegan berputar balik ke masa dua tahun sebelumnya,1990, saat wisuda kelulusan Chris dari Emory University di Atlanta. Kedua orangtua Chris (diperankan sangat baik oleh William Hurt dan Marcia Gay Harden) sudah punya rencana masa depan bagi anak pertama mereka. Salah satunya dengan memberi Chris mobil baru dan tawaran pekerjaan.

Chris menolak semua rencana materialistik sang orangtua. Ia muak dengan segala tatanan sosial kelas menengah yang menyelubungi kehidupannya sejak kecil. Chris memilih minggat. Tanpa sepatah kata pamit, pun secarik surat. Ia ingin lepas dari ikatan kehidupan masyarakat dengan berpetualang menjelajahi alam bebas di seantero Amerika Serikat.

Sebelum memulai pengembaraan, Chris menyumbangkan seluruh tabungannya, US$ 24.000, ke lembaga sosial Oxfam. Ia juga menggunting semua kartu kredit dan membakar kartu identitas serta jaminan sosial. Nama Alexander Supertramp menjadi identitas baru selama berpetualang menuju ke wilayah barat Amerika.

Sepanjang jalan, Chris bertemu dan tinggal bersama beberapa orang yang kelak mengubah hidupnya. Ada pasangan hippie Jen (Catherine Keener) dan Rainey (Brian Dieker), petani gandum dan jagung Wayne (Vince Vaughn), hingga duda tua pengrajin kulit Ron Franz (Hal Holbrook). Pertemuan dengan mereka menunjukkan Chris pada sebuah kesadaran, dalam sebuah petualangan yang terpenting adalah perjalanan, bukan tempat yang dituju.

Pengambilan gambar film ini dilakukan langsung di lokasi asli yang pernah disinggahi Chris. Mulai Arizona, California, South Dacota, hingga Meksiko. Malah untuk Alaska, kru film sampai bolak-balik empat kali demi mendapat gambar sesuai dengan musim.

Tak mengherankan jika sajian pemandangan alam dalam Into The Wild tergolong spektakuler. Penn memilih pola pengambilan gambar laiknya film dokumenter dalam Discovery Channel atau National Geographic. Meski tanpa kemasan romantis, pemandangan seperti pegunungan batu, sungai, padang rumput, hamparan ladang gandum dan jagung, serta hutan belantara tampak begitu indah.

Lalu mengalirlah sederet pujian dari para kritikus ke film berdurasi 2 jam 25 menit ini. Berbagai penghargaan untuk beragam kategori dari Sao Paulo International Film Festival, Satellite Awards, hingga National Board of Review Amerika pun disabet. Lagu Guaranteed yang dinyanyikan oleh Eddie Vedder dan music score Into The Wild masuk nominasi Golden Globe 2008 untuk kategori original song dan original score.

Sebagian pujian mengarah pada kematangan Penn saat menyajikan sosok Chris. Meski secara personal kagum pada petualangan Chris, Penn tak terjebak menokohkan Chris sebagai sosok pahlawan tanpa cela.

Chris tampil sebagai pemuda cerdas sekaligus naif. Pemuda yang marah pada tatanan sosial lalu nekat berpetualang tanpa perhitungan matang. Hanya demi mendapatkan kebebasan dan kebahagiaan dalam kesendirian di alam bebas.

Pada akhirnya, penonton tak diarahkan untuk menyukai atau membenci Chris. Tak ada upaya menghakimi perilakunya. Saya pun tak yakin apakah menyukai sosok Chris. Namun yang pasti saya menaruh simpati padanya dan bisa mengerti mengapa Chris memilih nekat berpetualang.

Apalagi, di penghujung hayatnya yang singkat, akhirnya Chris menemukan makna hidup. Kalimat terakhir dalam jurnalnya adalah: happiness only real when shared. Kebahagiaan tiada berarti tanpa kehadiran orang lain untuk berbagi.

Astari Yanuarti

Belajar Menjaga Bumi dari Robot

Pengisi suara: Ben Burtt, Elissa Knight, Jeff Garlin, Fred Willard, John Ratzenberger, dan Kathy Najimy
Sutradara: Andrew Stanton
Penulis skenario: Andrew Stanton dan Jim Reardon
Rating: Anak-anak
Produksi: Walt Disney Picture dan Pixar Studio, 2008

WALL-E, yang minim dialog, tampil menjadi film animasi memikat yang membawa pesan penyelamatan lingkungan. Mengemas kisah kehancuran bumi dengan bingkai aksi kocak robot pembersih sampah yang kesepian. Layak masuk daftar film animasi terbaik sepanjang masa.
Bumi, 700 tahun mendatang. Gedung-gedung pencakar langit menjulang tinggi. Sekilas, mereka terlihat megah, walau tak gemerlap. Ketika dilihat dari dekat, ternyata pencakar-pencakar langit itu tersusun dari balok-balok sampah padat.

Di antara gedung-gedung itu, bertebaran tumpukan sampah aneka barang. Di sana, tampak sesosok benda kotak bergerak kian kemari. Dia adalah WALL-E, robot pembersih sampah bertenaga matahari.

Tugas WALL-E memilah-memilah sampah, memasukkannya ke perut untuk dipadatkan menjadi balok sampah. Lalu WALL-E menumpuk balok-balok ini hingga menjadi gedung pencakar langit. Dia bekerja sendirian selama ratusan tahun, karena hanya WALL-E dan seekor kecoak yang masih bertahan di bumi. Semua penduduk bumi lainnya memilih hengkang ke luar angkasa ketika planet biru ini penuh tertutup sampah.

Suatu hari, rutinitas WALL-E terganggu oleh kedatangan pesawat luar angkasa raksasa. Sesosok robot putih mengilap berbentuk telur keluar dari badan pesawat. Robot bernama EVE ini bertugas memeriksa apakah sudah ada makhluk hidup lagi di bumi.

Kehadiran EVE menjungkirbalikkan dunia WALL-E yang selama ini hanya punya teman sang kecoak. Saking penasaran pada makhluk baru itu, WALL-E melupakan pekerjaan utamanya dan diam-diam mengikuti ke mana pun EVE terbang.

Aksi ini membawa WALL-E terbang ke luar angkasa menuju Axiom, pesawat pesiar super-raksasa yang dihuni penduduk bumi. Di sini, semua manusia memakai seragam sama, hanya beda warna berdasarkan jenis kelamin. Wajah mereka nyaris serupa, karena semuanya bertubuh sangat tambun.

Setelah 30 menit nyaris tanpa dialog sekecap pun, adegan di Axiom menandai berlangsungnya percakapan dalam film sepanjang 103 menit ini. Keramaian yang berlangsung di Axiom terasa begitu kontras dengan kesunyian bumi.

Seperti film-film animasi PIXAR lainnya, gambar indah dan fantastis juga tampak di sepanjang film yang digagas sejak 1994 oleh sutradara dan penulis skenario Andrew Stanton ini. Lihat saja keindahan aneka planet, bintang, dan galaksi yang mengundang decak kagum. Lihat juga arsitektur Axiom yang terbilang sempurna menyajikan imajinasi kehidupan masa depan.

Pujian patut diberikan kepada para animator PIXAR. Mereka sukses memberikan kepribadian kepada para robot di WALL-E. Alhasil, sosok WALL-E --dan robot-robot lain-- tampil sangat ekspresif, meski tanpa dialog. Kebahagiaan, kesedihan, kesepian, bahkan kejailan WALL-E bisa terlihat dari bahasa tubuh dan kedua mata yang terbuat dari lensa video.

Tak mengherankan bila adegan 30 menit tanpa dialog ala film bisu zaman dulu malah menjadi salah satu keunggulan WALL-E. Walau tanpa kata-kata, anak-anak yang terbiasa dengan suara dan adegan seru film aksi tetap bisa menikmati. Selain karena kekayaan emosi yang ditampilkan, kekuatan karakter pada WALL-E juga didukung sound effect yang mengagumkan.

Dari sisi cerita, lagi-lagi WALL-E menjadi bukti pembeda PIXAR dengan studio animasi lainnya, seperti Dreamworks (pembuat film serial Shrek). Film-film PIXAR lebih memilih mengusung materi kebenaran universal daripada guyonan bernuansa kultural atau etnis.

Statemen WALL-E menentang konsumerisme begitu kuat dan efektif. Mereka mencoba membangkitkan kesadaran para penonton, terutama generasi muda, tentang kerusakan lingkungan yang bakal terjadi di bumi bila budaya konsumtif yang kini menjangkit tak segera dihentikan.

Pesan seperti ini tercatat sebagai terobosan baru dalam sejarah film animasi. Sebab, sejak beberapa tahun terakhir, ada kesamaan skenario dalam film animasi buatan Hollywood, yaitu: kamu bisa menjadi siapa pun yang kamu inginkan. Bahkan film animasi terbaru dari Dreamworks, Kung Fu Panda, masih dibalut skenario seperti ini.

Jadi, dengan segala kelebihan itu, WALL-E, yang mencatat rating 97% fresh dari situs kritik film terkemuka RottenTomatoes, diyakini akan masuk nominasi film terbaik pada ajang Oscar 2009. Saya pun termasuk barisan yang yakin WALL-E akan berbicara banyak di ajang penghargaan film paling bergengsi di Amerika itu.

Astari Yanuarti

Saving Trash Harvesting Rupiah

Gemah Ripah Bank provide unique services of garbage. It has successfully increased environment awareness of Badegan Village residents.

Mounting piles of burlap sacks occupy one corner of Gemah Ripah Bank office in Badegan village, Bantul, Yogyakarta. It's not contained with piles of bank notes or coins, but a farrago of waste which are classified according to type. There are cardboard, plastics, paper, bottles, and cans.

Gemah Ripah Bank was not just any bank. The Bank, established in February two years ago was only serving garbage from customers savings transactions. It also has limited operational hours: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 16:00 pm to 18:00 pm.

According to Bambang Suwerda, founder of the trash bank, Gemah Ripah is shorthand for "gerakan memilah sampah dan resikel sampah (the movement of waste sorting and recycling )". The initial goal, to overcome the problem of garbage and waste in the Village Badegan being infected with dengue fever. "Thus, the economic motive was the second priority," he said.

The mechanism of the banks that have capital initial 500,000 Rupiah ( US$ 50) was similar to commercial banks. Each customer has a savings book and account number. "Every customer deposits recorded in the books of the banks," said Bambang who works as lecturer of Yogyakarta's Health Polytechnic.

Books usually placed in the teller's desk is open and can be seen by all customers. Waste deposit is labeled with customer name, amount, and when handed. Later collected in accordance with its type in the locker bank. The customer and the bank holding the note delivery.

At this stage, the calculation of the conversion of waste into the currency value has not been done. The calculation will be done at harvest time, which on average carried out once a month. When customer's saving already mounting, the bank will call the collectors. It is them who determine the price of each type of waste.

Waste paper collectors purchase HVS paper with the highest nominal, 1500 Rupiah/kilogram. Tin cans 1,000 Rupiah/ kilogram, used boxes 900 Rupiah/kilogram, and the used paper other than HVS 300 Rupiah/kilogram.

Nasrullah, one of bank's collectors, was benefited by the waste management model that applied by Gemah Ripah Bank. Besides being a guarantee of supply, as well as the trash has been classified according to their kinds. "Moreover, the deposits continue to rise and consistent," said Nasrullah, who give the bank a bonus 14-inch television as a form of satisfaction with the bank's cooperation.

After the transaction the bank completed by the mediator, the bank recorded the rupiah value of the customers waste saving in accordance with the records in the ledger. Bambang explained, every harvest, banks can reap the results of 300,000 Rupiah to 500,000 rupiah. Banks set aside 15% of the crop for operational costs of the bank.

Each customer can only take the savings every three months. The reason, wait for adequate amount of customer savings. "So far, the highest record of a customer is 200,000 Rupiah," said Bambang.

The customers did not mind taking it over a period. According to one customer, Panut Susanto, who has saving of 150,000 Rupiah, "It's not bad for extra money," smiling Panut said.

At this time, this trash bank has 118 customers, comprised of individuals, families, neighborhood (Rukun Tetangga), and institutions. The number of bank employees as many as 12 persons, who work voluntarily. While balance position of Gemah Ripah Bank until the end of January has reached 2 millions Rupiah.


Though now the bank got good response from Badegan villagers, Bambang admitted at the beginning was not easy to convince residents. That happened because the Badegan villagers which located not far from Yogyakarta city, has rural-urban transition character. Suburban communities are so hard to get. "I prefer city or village not that in between," said the man who was born in Sleman, July 9, 1969.

But, Bambang not losing his mind. He is targeting children to teach how important is a good waste management. How it's done? By making the kids name on behalf of family account.

The trick worked. Now there are 40 families accounts using child's name. Children are happy because they felt had a bank book. They were diligent in coming to the bank to save waste.

In addition, Bambang diligently went to schools around Badegan to teach on how to manage the waste. The result, three kindergartens and a school has become a customer. Another way that Bambang do to arouse awareness of protecting the environment is a social gathering, from door to door and go around the village by car with loudspeakers.

The results were not disappointing. Twelve neighborhoods ( Rukun Tetangga) at Badegan already have an account at the bank. In every strategic place in each neighborhood trash cans placed three different colors for different types of waste. Green for cans and bottles, blue for plastic, and yellow for the paper. "Indeed there are still people who piled up and burned trash in the yard of the house," said the father of three children.


After the second birthday, Bambang plans to widen the types of services the Gemah Ripah Bank. It offers a residual waste management that is all types of waste that can not be saved and can't be calculated by the collectors. Rubbish include baby diapers, sanitary napkins, batteries, and glass.

The service that collaborate with Department of Public Works (DPU) of Bantul, has aims managing residual waste easily, cheaply, and do not contaminate the environment. Unlike the previous garbage service savings, this service does not convert the waste into rupiah. Conversely, each family actually pay 8000 Rupiah/month. This price is still cheaper than a monthly subscription fee of garbage workers who reached 20,000 Rupiah.

According to Bambang, the distribution of funds cash from the residents is 30% for Rukun Tetangga and 70% for the bank. In order to lessen the cost of bank charges to the DPU, residual waste is delivered every two weeks pedicab driver. "So, this will make employment as well," Bambang added. Pedicab fare for only 20,000 Rupiah.

Not only the waste residues will be processed the bank. Organic waste were not spared from its attention. They began to make compost and biopori around bank branches. They also develop a disinfectant with a simple water filtration system.

Actually all various types of waste management for the benefit of residents carried out before the official stand Gemah Ripah Bank. Bambang include it in the Environmental Health Workshop Program which is his practical work field as a lecturer in 2008.

The first workshop program is manage the cork waste and grated coconut. Two of these materials, when mixed with cement and sand, can be a raw materials for brick and made to various crafts. For example souvenir, flower pots, and place the flag.

After the cork waste, Bambang Badegan invites residents to process plastic waste, especially packaging beverages and snacks. Some residents who seriously follow the program given the training. The result, plastic-plastic sewn into bags, backpacks, and small containers. The price starts from 3,000 Rupiah to the most expensive, the 60,000 Rupiah for the backpack.


Mothers Creativity in Processing Waste

Rini Sampah's name sounds familiar to the ear Krobokan villagers, Semarang, Central Java. Even the name of this beat her real name: Emiliana Suci Suborini. No wonder, because 47-year-old woman had been tens of years hanging out with the trash ( sampah in Indonesian language).

Her modest home filled with hundreds of crafts made from trash. There are dolls made from perfume bottles decorated with dried leaves and coffee packs. There are also wall hangings from seeds bay, where the tissues of used boxes, sandals, and a shopping bag of instant noodle packages.

Rini recycling expertise nurtured since high school. Since then, she made hundreds of works which are often displayed in various exhibitions in Semarang. Rini also shared her knowledge to the neighbors, by providing free training making crafts from waste.

To get a supply of garbage, Rini with Ning Ahmad, the Krobokan village chief's wif, initiated garbage charity program. In regular meetings every week, all villagers shall have sorted garbage charity. The waste is then processed PKK who guided by Rini and Ning. "If I had been hard to find trash, now neighbors who give us a lot," said smiling Rini.

Plastic waste is processed into handicrafts, while kitchen waste, except green onion and egg shells, processed into compost. The method used is the composter with the jar. How made it fairly simple. Filled the jars with 1 cm thick sand, the remaining vegetables, and calcium oxide. After closing for three months, the compost can be used as natural fertilizer.

Mother creativity of waste recycling was not spared from Unilever monitoring, a consumer goods manufacturer who became one of the main sources of producing plastic waste. Since nine years ago, mothers in Surabaya households received information about the segregation of organic and inorganic waste of a biggest consumer goods companies in Indonesia. They also received training to make compost and crafts from plastic waste.

Initially, Green & Clean Surabaya programs that have only two cadres. After five years, to 5,000 cadres environment. Green & Clean Surabaya success is ultimately inspire people in other cities to create a clean, green, and comfortable.

At this time, it reached 100,000 people, scattered in various cities, such as Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Makassar, Medan, Bandung and Banjarmasin. Recycled product of the mothers were given a brand, Trashion. Distribution of the goods has been expanded to various cities and reaches a variety of levels of society. Thanks to these works, the housewives had managed to keep the their kitchen runs well.

* it has been selected as a Finalist in the 2010 Developing Asia Journalism Awards (DAJA) Competition, Tokyo, Japan. Originally published in Bahasa Indonesia with title "Menabung Sampah Menuai Rupiah" at Majalah Gatra Volume 17/Year XVI, 10 March 2010